(305) 891-1827

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State: GA 31404

Thunderbolt Counseling Services
2247 E. Victory Dr., , ,

My doctorate is in counseling psychology and I am licensed in GA as a marriage and family therapist. Our practice is a group practice in Savannah, GA. A place where HOPE is alive and well and available with embracing "systemic synergism"! Our practice is not limited to One population. We welcome individuals, and couples, and families from many dif ...


These resources have been checked for appropriateness, but TCA is not responsible for the opinions or perspectives of the resource authors. Many of these may be thought-provoking or stir an emotional response, which is the goal of education and research. We welcome your constructive comments and suggestions on the TCA listserv if you are a TCA member. You may also use the Contact Us link to communicate with us. Enjoy surfing!
Therapist Certification Association

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205
Miami Shores | FL 33138
(305) 891-1827

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