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TCA Resources: Search Results 

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Talking to our kids about sex and sexuality may not be easy, but parents really can make a difference. Planned Parenthood is here to help you get the conversation started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiH0_2Xwzzg

Category TCA Resources

Instead of adults teaching kids about sex, Jimmy thinks it would be much less embarrassing if kids learned it from their peers. So we went out on the street and we asked kids how babies are made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yleO8Mn3G14

Category TCA Resources

The renowned marriage expert explains that couples build trust in the small moments of a relationship, when we're emotionally attuned to our partner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgWnadSi91s

Category TCA Resources

"Who delivered your baby?" is a question commonly asked of new parents and has implications for the emotional empowerment of women during childbirth. In this talk, Dr. Greenwald focuses on a behavioral approach to childbirth, juxtaposed with a medical one, and discusses the physical and emotional constraints associated with our current birth practices. ...

Category TCA Resources

These resources have been checked for appropriateness, but TCA is not responsible for the opinions or perspectives of the resource authors. Many of these may be thought-provoking or stir an emotional response, which is the goal of education and research. We welcome your constructive comments and suggestions on the TCA listserv if you are a TCA member. You may also use the Contact Us link to communicate with us. Enjoy surfing!
Therapist Certification Association

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Miami Shores | FL 33138
(305) 891-1827

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